Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What In The World Am I Doing?

Earlier, yesterday, I asked my friend Marcia to verify some information for me. She wrote back and told me to look at her finished project on her Blog. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Then I started looking at the blogs she has linked to. Then I signed up to follow several Blogs I found through her Blog. Then I thought, "Hey I can do that!"

Famous last words huh?

My purpose here is to maybe help jump start me back into more creative avenues. Ant that means Not setting here at my computer at 2 AM in the morning!

My life the last few years has been stuffed full of stuff I'd rather not deal with. But "stuff" I can't get away from. As a result I've lost my way creatively. Put on the back burner. Left boxed up. But I think it's time to unpack those boxes and bring it to the front burner and get on with it!

I definitely have the talent. Not to toot my own horn, but it's there and I need to start nursing it back to health. Me thinks it's ailed for far too long.


Now for other news. We spent the Christmas Holidays with our daughter and her children in north lower Michigan. If you don't know where that would be just think Cold and Snow!

In March my friend Carolyn is coming to Oklahoma to attend a Maureen McNaughton Seminar in Oklahoma City. (Got her one heck of a deal on airline tickets on Priceline!) I am so excited that Maureen is coming to OKC! She is such a fantastic teacher and wonderful gracious lady. My All Time Favorite Designer. I have many other favorites but she heads my list. One day before her Seminar I'll tell you my "Maureen" story.

My newest toy is a new iPhone. My youngest son is on his second one. My daughter just got her first one while we were visiting her, I just couldn't let them out do me now could I? There is a learning curve with this thing. It works a bit different than other phones I've had. Well shoot they all have their own set of nuances.

As I learn the ins and outs of this Blog I'll start adding other things, like photos and such. Until bye!